The Story

The Story

The Story
In the quest for the most sustainable and regenerative architectural design, Bob serendipitously discovered the Earthship concept. Pioneered by Mike Reynolds in Taos, New Mexico, the Earthship embodies a symbiotic design that harmonizes human needs with passive solar and ecological principles. Inspired by this profound concept, Bob found that Earthship Biotecture was constructing the first Earthship in Texas. Eager to be part of this groundbreaking initiative, Bob volunteered and actively participated in the build, immersing himself in the principles of Earthship construction.
Since then, Bob has undertaken the journey of building his own Earthship. Through his dedicated efforts, he has personally pounded and placed over 500 tires and built 50% of the structure. The result is a captivating hybrid model spanning 2000 sq ft, featuring vaulted ceilings and embracing all the design principles of the Earthship concept.
Now, we are reaching out for assistance to complete this visionary home—an epic endeavor poised to serve as a retreat center for regenerative building concepts. Our goal is to educate and inspire others on how they too can construct in harmony with our ecology, fostering a symbiotic relationship between human habitation and passive design principles. 

Start Your Journey

Ready to embark on a sustainable adventure with Avalon Acres? Share your details below, and let's take the first step together toward a future where nature and well-being harmonize seamlessly.
